Challenges that bring me satisfaction are those in which I am tasked to add some element of structure and organization to something abstract.

Solving problems and connecting dots so that creative individuals can operate in an environment that is motivating, efficient, and rewarding. Observing and analyzing the evolution of processes and people, while consistently crafting decisions that keep pace with critical deadlines and avoid negative financial impact. A master of balance.

In short: Goals exceeded. Crises averted. Results delivered.

The footprint I leave as leader is felt on a large scale. I improve operations, maximize efficiency, draw in revenue, and support my team by being a resource and inspiring high morale. I have an open mind: I find peace in the pursuit of knowledge, and I find energy in the opportunity to pass knowledge along.

I partner with filmmakers, artists, and clients who require specially tailored creative solutions to elevate the impact of their visual storytelling.

Color Collective is my professional home, where I am lucky to work with some of the best creative storytellers in the world.